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The World Health Organization warns of a real danger that threatens the world and eliminates humanity


The World Health Organization warns of a real danger that threatens the world and eliminates humanity

The Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Ghebreyesus, said that there is no doubt that humanity is now in real danger, and this is due to the spread of Corona virus infection around the world, despite the success of vaccinations against this great danger.

The World Health Organization
The World Health Organization

The World Health Organization

The Director-General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Ghebreyesus, added in a statement published on the organization’s website: “We have made great progress in developing vaccines for the Corona virus in record time.
But the world is now in real danger. Many of our past successes are being destroyed.”

The World Health Organization

The head of the World Health Organization explained that the increase in the number of cases of “Covid-19” disease caused by the outbreak of the Corona virus, is an indication that “people stop complying with the preventive restrictions imposed, that health systems operate inconsistently, and the vaccination rate is uneven.” .

According to WHO estimates, there is still a disparity in access to vaccines against the Corona virus in the world, where (in poor countries) far fewer are vaccinated than in rich countries that produce vaccines and begin planning for revaccination.

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